Sunday, March 31, 2013

Winding down our time in Cape Town

Our time in Cape Town is drawing to a close. We are trying to hit up all the beaches and favorite restaurants one last time. Overall this experience has been amazing. The country of South Africa is absolutely beautiful. It's just sad the conditions that many of the people live in.

Monday: watched the sunset at Camps Bay.

Tuesday: after work we went to clifton beach. After that we went to the casino after dinner to indulge in some dessert.

Wednesday: a group of 6 of us went to an African dance at a small theatre on long street. Afterwards we went to Nandos (fast food grilled chicken... SO GOOD!! :)

Thursday: last day of clinic!! Night time activities included a quaint Italian restaurant on Long Street and Tiger Tiger club.

Friday: enjoying the beach and visiting the eastern bizarre for some Indian food tonight.

Saturday: heading home!!!!! :)

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