Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 3

Monday- 2 guys joined our group this week brining our total up to 9 participants. We all went down to the waterfront that evening to hang out. Before dinner a few of us went to check out a nearby craft market. They had some really adorable things made by locals. After the market we went to dinner at ferrymans and then drinks at quay four. There was a one man band performing at quay four who was asking where everyone was from and I shouted Nebraska! So then I had to go tell the whole restaurant about Nebraska.. Represent! He then called me back up and made me gangham style in front of everyone. Good thing I have that dance memorized ;)

Tuesday- we just relaxed at home and enjoyed wifi at the local mall

Wednesday- enjoyed Camps bay and cafe caprice. They have some of the best nachos.

Thursday- had the day off from work so we got up early that morning and hiked table mountain. That was difficult!! Three hour hike up and all the trail looked like was a bunch of boulders. The view was fantastic though! That afternoon we went to Kirstenbosch gardens and relaxed on the lawn. Afterwards we enjoyed a free local concert at company's garden. That evening we hit up long street.

Friday- enjoyed a late start to the morning. A few of us girls went to the fresh food market and I absolutely loved it. That afternoon we did a three hour tour of Robben island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.

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