Thursday, March 7, 2013

Way past due on an update.

Great news everyone! I finally have wifi at the hospital so I can blog over lunch. My time at Victoria hospital has been wonderful so far. I am in the pediatric department and loving all the little ones. The day begins with rounds in the inpatient department. The inpatient side reminds me of old war time photos where patients are lined up one bed after another but in this case it's one metal crib right after another. 30 patients in one open room. Very different from back home. Each morning I get to see and evaluate 2 patients and present them during rounds. Then we go to clinic which is crazy busy. Tuesday morning was out HIV clinic. Very saddening. In the afternoon we finish all of the tests that we agreed upon during morning rounds.. No nursing care like back in the states. I have to head to the ward so I can't give a full update but tomorrow I will be able to during lunch.

1 comment:

  1. I love to read your updates! Your comments and photos bring to mind the blessings we consider normal life here. I love the colorful buildings and decorations in S. Africa!
